Submission Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts must be unpublished.
  2. Word Count
  • Children’s Picture Books – Up to 10000 words
  • Children’s Books – between 1000 – 5000 words
  • Pre-School Books (0-4 years) – Less than 1000 words – These books average 36 pages with lots of full-colour illustrations usually on every page. These can be board books, concept books usually teaching factual information with illustrations and little text. Novelty books with pop-ups, flaps to lift, textures or buttons for sound.
  • Early picture Books (4-8 years) – 1000-5000 words – These books average 36 pages with lots of full-colour illustrations usually on every page. These are usually fiction, concept, activity and novelty picture books.
  • Chapter Books (6-9 years) – between 5000 – 15000 words – These books are like short books and often come in a series although the word counts will be higher. These books usually contain sketches and not full colour illustrations
  • Serious Young Readers (9-12 years) – between 15000 and 40000 words – This age group have advanced reading skills and usually want a book with a story. They can easily read books up to 30,000 words. These books have fewer or sometimes no illustrations
  • Young Adults (1- Up to 80,000 words. These can sometimes be divided into two age groups, which are 12 -15 and 16 -18. Most who read this section are adults. The word count is usually between 50,000 – 80,000 words.
  1. Submit a synopsis, the first three chapters (for chapter books) and a short author bio. Files should be in PDF or Word format.
  2. Submissions are now open. Email enquiries@jaycesworld.co.uk with your manuscript. Responses will be sent within 12 weeks after submission”
  3. Selected authors will receive professional, competitive royalties, and extensive marketing for their book.
  4. We can’t wait to discover the next great voice in literature. Submit your manuscript today!”

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