Immense thank you to all the staff, patients and visitors at The Birmingham Children’s Hospital this Christmas who supported me to raise funds through the exhibition of my resources to donate copies of Jayce's Sweet Tooth to the early years pupils at James Brindley Academy. Pleased to announce that these books will be donated to the school in January 2025.

Together We Can Make A Difference!
You can donate to support charity organisations that promote literacy.
My First Back To School Project 2024
Last year, I embarked on this journey through Jayce’s Summer Fun Activity 2023 and reached out to 16 children with the proceeds from my books.
This year, with the support of some VERY generous people through my fundraising project and proceeds from my book sales, I have been able to donate back to school kits to over 100 disadvantaged early years pupils (years 1&2) in two primary schools (Littoral and Northwest regions of Cameroon).
These children have fled their homes due to the ongoing crisis in the English speaking regions of the Country.
Children have the power to change and transform the future of the world.

As part of my “Back to School Project”, The early years pupils at Center for Children and Library Foundation, Uganda this February 2025 were all gifted with excercise books and stationeries to start the academic year.

Together We Can Make A Difference!
Jayce supports Cecil Foundation in Uganda and Good Samaritan Foundation in Cameroon promoting Literacy in schools.
I support the work of Centre for Children and Library Foundation (CECLIF) – a community based organisation that works in the rural communities in Uganda. Education Sponsorship for children and library book project are my core areas of interest. Join me to support them in various ways to achieve success.